fanvid friday | bring him home {sherlock}

I’ve finally gotten around to watching more of Sherlock (saw “The Empty Hearse” yesterday, and I might be watching “The Reichenbach Fall” tonight–how is it even possible to be so excited and yet so tearful??), so I figured now was the perfect time to share my favorite Sherlock fanvideo, EVER.  Les Mis improves everything. 😉

my favorite sherlock fanvideo…

I’ve decided to follow Eowyn’s lead and do fanvid posts when I’m busy–and I am busy at the moment. *groans*  Anyways, today I’m going to share my Very Favorite Sherlock Fanvid with ya’ll.  Enjoy! (Or melt into a puddle of feelsy tears.  That works too.)

allow me to indulge in a moment of fannishness

It’s been another busy week for me, so instead of doing a Nice Long Post, I’m going to share a Discovery. 

I’m a huuuuuuge fan of the Betsy-Tacy series, and I’ve been wishing that I knew the tunes to some of the popular songs in the high school books.  Well, today I finally went to the trouble of looking them up on YT, and…voilà!  Any fellow Betsy fans out there?


little {fandom} things: les misérables

Hello, readers!  Today, I’m starting a new series on “Fandom Things”; I’ll be listing a few of the things that make me squee/sob in each fandom I’m in.  I’ll be starting with LM, partly because it was first on my feels triggers, and partly because I feel like it. 😛
Without further ado, my first list!

  • The xylophone


  • Getting to feel very Posh and Superior while reading the brick
  • Actually enjoying Victor Hugo’s writing–I mean seriously.  He. is. hilarious.

  • “A Little Fall of Rain”.  Need I say more?


  • Where would we be without Gavroche and his awesomeness?


  • The gorgeous, heartbreaking edits some people make


  • Actually laughing at Les Mis jokes/puns.  Les Mis + Laughter is…an interesting combination
  • Aaron Tveit 😛


  • Colm Wilkinson’s eyebrows
  • Making fun of Russell Crowe’s singing (all in jest, of course, he’s not *that* bad…)

Funny Birthday Ecard: I'd sing you 'Happy Birthday' if I didn't sing as well as Russell Crowe does.

  • Perfect casting (*coughLeaSalongaColmWilkinsonPhilipQuastMichaelBallTENTHANNIVERSARYcough*)


  • Finding a LM quote for everything
  • Figuring out how to pronounce all the names
  • Getting the original French version of Les Misérables and proceeding to read all the sections you’ve memorized in English


  • Les Mis is perfection, okay?  Don’t argue with me. 😉



In Dreams

Awhile ago, Eowyn and I had a LotR week, and one of the things we did was make a video.  It turned out that we both owned the same book of LotR music, so she recorded the piano part of In Dreams and I did the violin part, and then we put it together and she turned it into a Faramir/Eowyn music video.

And I can’t insert it directly onto this blog, so here’s the post where you can watch it. 🙂


my feels triggers: jane

Hello all!  Miss Jane Bennet here…I’ll be posting every Monday from now on, but I must apologize to my lovely fellow proprietors Eva and Eowyn for delaying so long in introducing myself.  Like Eowyn, I was planning on doing a post on a particular fandom, but realized that perhaps I had better get my feels triggers out of the way first.

So.  Here goes…I’ll be doing five fandoms (I arbitrarily chose that number because I have to limit myself :P), with five being the least feelsy and one being the most.


Eilonwy from the movie “The Black Cauldron”


5. Lloyd Alexander

Lloyd Alexander is one of my all-time favorite fantasy authors, just behind J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis.  His books/series have this trick  of starting out lightly, and then suddenly killing off most of the minor characters and piling on the angst for the major ones.  And it hurts; his characters are very easy to care about.  For example, in his Chronicles of Prydain, he introduces many loveable and unique characters throughout the series, and then goes through and picks them all off during the last book–and even the main characters don’t get a very happy ending.  In his Westmark trilogy, he leaves literally eight or nine characters alive, out of at least twenty-five.  And let’s not even bring up The Gawgon and the Boy, ‘kay?




4. Lord of the Rings

Of course, LotR is on here.  It isn’t as obviously feelsy as some other fandoms; there aren’t too many characters that actually do end up dying.  But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make me cry!  The deaths that do happen are so beautifully handled and impactful–the whole thing is just a masterpiece of writing, and it plays on my poor emotions like very few other books.  I love how the characters, one by one, rise to the occasion at different points in the story: Frodo facing the Black Rider, Sam storming the Tower of Cirith Ungol, Boromir sacrificing himself for Merry and Pippin, FARAMIR going on a suicide mission…

Oops, I’m crying.  On to the next!

3. Wicked

Wicked?  You ask.  But it’s supposed to be funny!  Right?

It IS funny.  In fact, it can be absolutely hilarious–but also absolutely heartbreaking.  Even  in the beginning, Elphaba had a horrible childhood and she hates her roommate.  Some of the early songs of Wicked are sob-worthy, as well (“I’m Not That Girl” comes to mind), but it’s the ending that puts this on the list.


The first time I saw this, I was completely unprepared for the ending to be so SAD!  There’s a bit of hope at the end, but seriously–Nessa dead, Elphie and Fiyero banished from Oz, Glinda losing both her best friend and the man she loved. *tears*  “For Good” and the “Finale” make me cry every time.

2. Phantom of the Opera

POTO, both book and musical, was one of my first fandoms, and one of the first books to make me cry.  I’m a sucker for self-sacrificing people and sympathetic villains (as some of you know…*coughcough*  She knows who she is.), and this has both–in fact, it has the ultimate combination of both.  Erik is so pitiable, and yet fearsome, creepy–and very  human.  The climax of this show always makes me cry: Raoul’s despair, Christine’s compassion, and the Phantom’s love for Christine finally winning out over his hatred of the world in general.  The ending of the book…well.  It’s more tense and dramatic than in the musical, but then comes the last chapter and Erik comes in to the Persian, dying but happy, and Gaston Leroux did SUCH a good job here, not overdoing it or understating it.  Here, you know what?  Just have the whole thing.  Try not to cry too much.

1. Les Misérables

Seriously, does this even need an explanation?  Les Mis will always top any list of feelsy things, whether it be in book, musical, or movie form.  Besides the obvious everyone-died feels, this show/book has helped me to mature so much in this past year; the sacrifices and the love that is shown in so many different ways throughout has given me an example and assisted me in figuring out some faith-related things.

Plus, of course, the music is gorgeous and heartbreaking, the WORDS are beautiful, and Victor Hugo’s way with words is swoon-worthy.

And by the way, golden-haired revolutionaries have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Les Mis being my favorite musical.  Nope, not at all.  Why would you think that?
